The Heroine's Club: A Mother-Daughter Empowerment Circle

:: The Heroine's Club :: 
~A Mother-Daughter Empowerment Circle~ 

Beloved Mothers,

If you are hoping to connect with your daughter in meaningful ways,

If you want your daughter to possess the skills and tools she will need for a safe, confident and connected journey into womanhood,

If you believe that it is you, as her mother, alongside a community of other like-minded mothers and daughters, that can best offer her these skills and tools, 

If want your daughter to intimately know the real-life heroines from which she comes,

If you long to have and maintain a relationship with your daughter based on love and mutuality,

Then Dear Woman, The Heroine's Club is for you. 

The Heroine's Club was created with these desires and concerns specifically in mind. Everyday our daughters are inundated with images and messages of what a "perfect" girl and woman look like. In our ever changing, and often limiting society, we must show our girls what it truly means to be a woman. We must instill values in them that will resonate as they transition into womanhood. As mothers, we can join arms with one another to offer our daughters an unwavering sense of self-love, hope, and a desire to succeed beyond their imagination. 

The Heroine's Club is the first of its kind, offering a profoundly nourishing and age-appropriate experience for mothers and daughters, ages 7+ (*Little Sisters*)and ages 11+, (*Big Sisters*) to share together. Through the study and sharing of women's history with our daughters, we can explore key issues with a razor sharp and potent focus. The heroines represented in this circle are athletes, inventors, artists, and revolutionaries, all from different backgrounds, but they have one thing in common-they are strong role models for young girls to learn about, look up to, and be inspired by. Offering thought-provoking discussion, powerful rituals, and engaging activities, The Heroine's Club fortifies our daughters' self-esteem, invigorates our own spirits, and nourishes our relationships. In a culture that can make mothering daughters seem intimidating and isolating, the Heroine's Club offers us an antidote. 

The Heroine's Club rests on the following research-supported convictions:

• A mother is her daughter's primary and most influential teacher.

• When given appropriate role models and guidance, daughters can thrive through adolescence and beyond.

• Mothers and daughters excel when supported by a community of other mothers and daughters.

• The practice of sacred circling acts as a channel to effect true change in ourselves and in our culture.

The Gifts of the Heroine's Club: 

Empowerment: Mothers empower daughters while having their own sense of empowerment recharged.

Mutuality: In sacred circle, the generation gap closes as mothers and daughters join together. Mothers find that there is much they can learn from their daughters and that teaching and learning flow in both directions.

Fortification: The Heroine's Club helps girls hold on to the parts of themselves that are intuitive, outspoken, and strong, thereby fortifying her girlhood identity, which will serve as the foundation for her future adolescent and adult self.

Initiation: Daughters learn the art of ritual, reverence, and the powerful, ancient practice of women circling together. 

Herstory: By imparting knowledge of our past, from a feminist perspective, and emphasizing the role of women as told from a woman's point of view, part of what we accomplish through The Heroine's Club is explicitly showing our daughters the full range of who they might become. 

Self-Awareness and Confidence: The Heroine's Club acts as a preventative model against the most common fears we as mothers have for our daughters. A solid sense of self-awareness and self-confidence is one of the greatest tools we can offer our daughters on their journey to womanhood. The heroines chosen for this curriculum offer a concrete, real-life example of these qualities in their highest expressions.

Community: As the African Proverb states, "It takes a village to raise a child." The Heroine's Club offers a conscious community of other mothers and daughters to support us in the divine tasks of mothering, daughtering, and growing up. 

Bonding: The Heroine's Club offers our daughters the vital quality time they crave (and need). You will share sweet mother-daughter moments that will be cherished by you both. 

Conscious Story Telling & Values: By discussing the life of each heroine, honoring them for their strength, passion, perseverance, courage, and self-love, our daughters learn what we value, what we wish for them, and most of all, what is possible for their lives.


We will gather to discuss that particular month's heroine- her story and strength- and how we can incorporate her medicine into our own lives. 

Sacred discussion, enriching activities, singing, arts/crafts, and snack will be included.

Each circle is limited to 5 mother/daughter(s) pairs.

** There are 2 Circles to choose from, based on your daughter's age:

::Little Sisters:: 

The last Friday of every month, 6-7:30 pm mothers and daughters, ages 7+

2015 Heroine's Club *Little Sister* Dates:
July 31
August 28
September 25
October 30
November 20

::Big Sisters::

The last Sunday of every month, 1:00-2:30, mothers and daughters, ages 11+

2015 Heroine's Club *Big Sister* Dates:
July 26
August 30
September 27
October 25
November 22

**All Heroine's Club circles meet at The Mother-Daughter Nest, located in Watkinsville (about 5 easy minutes from Trader Joe's) 

$25 per mother/daughter pair. Pre-registration is required. Get your tickets via the calendar under the "upcoming circles" tab at  

Looking forward to circling with *you*! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at 

Sunday, July 26, 2015




The Mother-Daughter Nest
1161 Long Road
Watkinsville, GA 30677
United States


Melia Keeton-Digby

Phone: 706-372-2636
Website: Click to Visit

Other Dates For This Event:



We make every effort to provide useful and accurate information. Sometimes event details change or we receive inacurate information. We review public submissions but cannot guarantee thier accuracy. We encourage you to contact event coordinators and venues to confirm event details before planning to attend. If you notice inaccurate information, please contact us.

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John Baker, Personal Injury Attorney

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